Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Who knew July 1st was a holiday?

In the above photo,  The Paw Challenged One gives the resident swim team some last minute speed tips before we begin the races.

According to The Paw Challenged One (TPCO), July 1st is a national holiday in many parts of the country, primarily areas that have lots of trailer homes.    July 1st is the day that you no longer have to apologise for not taking your Christmas lights down yet, and you can start bragging about early you are getting decorated for Christmas.   So we celebrated it by taking a swim.    In fact, the golden side of the household celebrates everything by taking a swim.  

This year we have not heard a firecracker in the neighborhood, strict burning and fire bans are in effect for most of Colorado.   People seem to be taking it very seriously, not a pop or a bang can be heard.  TPCO is planning on making some noise by putting whoopee cushions on all the patio chairs.   It may be the best we can do to celebrate July 4th.

Today is the 4th of July and we have invited extra Goldens over to celebrate.  We plan on swimming till the sun goes down.

Today we should make some money, new people and dogs are coming to the party.    Piper and I are very fast swimmers.   If you are going to beat us, you better bring someone that has won medals.    TPCO says he is going to bet on us and win enough money to pay for the picnic.

Mogley G. Retriever


  1. Mogley, I'm glad you're all safe and having fun in the pool!!

  2. Hi Y'all,

    Wanted to stop and say Happy 4th!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Have a great day! Mom grew up in a town famous for it's Christmas lights in the summer!


  4. Stopping by a little late wishing you a Happy 4th.

    Hamish & Sophie
