Wednesday, January 6, 2010

R.I.P Stuffie

Below, Bella enjoys a relaxing moment on the big pillow Stuffie. This was before I got bored with the snow and cold outside and I decided to play with the Stuffie. The Stuffie was 15 days old and that is a long time for a big toy in a home with three Goldens.

Below, What can I say? It was a snowy and cold day, I could not play outside, so I stayed inside and played with my Stuffie. It had squeaky things in every arm, leg, head and body. Six squeaky things to take out. They don't make stuffed toys like they used to when I was a puppy!

Below, The end of a long day, we are ready to hold a wake for our dear departed stuffie.

Don't blame me for all of the mess on the floor. It took all three of us to do the task you see above. Black Jack looks funny with clumps of white stuffing on his black coat. Tomorrow is going to be a cold day also and we are running out of toys. What will we do for fun on another cold, snowy day? The resident bi-ped is threatening to get out his welding equipment, some large steel bars, and make some toys that we can't destroy.

One of our friends suggested that we save the stuffing till spring, then put it out for the birds to use to build nests. If they will give us more toys, we can help more birds! How is that for a plan? That is good recycling, proving we are good environmental citizens.

Mogley G. Retriever


  1. What a great idea fur your stuffie guts!

    I've nevFUR killed a stuffie but Khousin Merdie used to be relentless!

    She's softened a bit but she still has issues with the EYES on them!

    Khyra & Khousin Merdie

  2. You three are Most Excellent de-stuffers. I think that you should give seminars for those who might be challenged in the de-stuffing department. (Not that I personally have those issues, but there might be some who do...)

    Hopefully the resident bi-ped will come up with more stuffies! (Steel bars sound a little hard on the teeth!)

    *kissey face*

  3. Tell your mom she can put them in the cabinet in the kitchen and then she can stick needles in them and make them all better!!

  4. We would help, but we don't get stuffies. Something about "what's the point?" since they don't last but a few seconds.

  5. At our house we totally understand about the life of stuffies...Some live longer than others, and it sounds like that one had a good long life, and will have a second chance at a better one by helping the birds in the spring! :-)

  6. Aw man! O well, what else was going to happen since it was too cold outside, right? At least you joined in on the destroying of the stuffie and had fun with it. And even the birds will be able to gain from the de-stuffing! It was going to happen sooner or later and you guys managed to let it be 'later', that is an accomplishment!

  7. FIFTEEN DAYS - you guys are slackin' our record is 2 days. But then there is always 4 of us and a visitor or two.

  8. Most impressive handy work friends - you look exhausted! A job well done :)

  9. We have records that measure in nanoseconds here...nice job on the big stuffie. Get one of those indestructible beds to play with--it took us several hours to unstuff that thing. bol

    love & wags,

  10. I think it might have been wiser to hide the evidence. My guess, from extensive studies of canine criminal postures, is that Black Jack, who seems the most aloof in the photograph, is, in fact, the mastermind of the de-stuffing.

  11. Wrooo wrooo, looks like it snowed in the house!
    This why we never get stuffies anymore...only Nylabones!!!
    Licks and sniffs,
    Zack, Sassy and Buddy
