The photo is Rusty Muffin, she has taken over the fireplace. Luckily for her white coat, the fireplace had been cleaned well before she moved in. It is cool in the fireplace, and other dogs don't disturb her. The perfect place for a lady that likes her cool peace and quiet. If she can move her bed in there, she will be in heaven.
We thought our three cousins were coming to visit tomorrow. Instead there was something about airline reservations on full planes and overbooking, whatever that means. So the humans were driving to St. Louis instead of flying and they had to leave early.
Emma, Piper and Molly came running in the front door just after dinner time. It was still light so we were able to work off our excitement in the yard before the sun went down and the rain arrived. It is going to rain all night, so we had to get our exercise out of the way. The humans have already had to stop Molly and Piper from jumping in the swimming pool. The humans say it takes too long for wet dogs to dry in the evening before bed, they don't like wet dogs in the bed. I had a long swim during the heat of the day and I dried off quickly. Humans, they just complain all the time.
Seven Golden's with three days to play. Too Much Fun!
I hope you have as much fun as I am going to have for the next three days.
Mogley G. Retriever
Monday, July 27, 2009
Too Much Fun!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Today's post is a referral to someone else. The Bumpass Hounds recently added "Radar" to their menagerie. They took in a blind, sick Golden puppy to nurse and ended up as a "Foster Failure", when the time came to give up "Radar", they kept him instead. They are awfully good at rescue, not too hot when it comes to the "surrender" part. Ten happy dogs and three tolerant cats prove them excellent in the rescue part of the equation.
His story is their post today and we want to share it with our readers. Go to
to read his story.
All of the Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies volunteers are marching in the Golden parade today. We did not go because Clyde and Rusty are not good at marching and we did not know how long the parade route would be. We hope all of our friends had fun in the parade.
Thank you,
Mogley G. Retriever
Friday, July 24, 2009
A trip to the vet today.
This morning we all took a ride across town to visit the Golden Retriever Vet. Bella had to have her booster shot for her Lepsis. But Clyde and Rusty had a more serious visit. Clyde had been limping since we picked him up at Doggy Jail. His right rear leg was badly swollen at the knee. After another exam today, Clyde is going to have his knee worked on. They hope to restore most of his use of his knee so that he can chase balls for real. He loves to chase balls and play fetch. But right now they can't throw a ball more than about 10 feet for him, they don't want him to do more damage to his leg.
Rusty has several minor things they needed a look at. She had a "hot spot" just in front of her tail. She has a small growth on her eye lid that will need to be taken off soon. She has several fatty tumors that are no danger, but they do need to be watched. She also has weak hips and has trouble getting up and down. Once she is up, she goes like mad, but she hates to get up when she is down, and she hates to lie down once she is up. She still chases squirrels and checks out the hikers on the park trail outside the fence. She has been put on a small dose of Rimadyl, and we can watch it to see how much she needs to become more mobile. We keep telling her that when you are 10 years old, you have to slow up a little. Rusty says she can slow up this winter when it is snowy and cold outside, in the meantime just give her her pill and open the back door when the squirrel chirps.
It is the height of the squirrel season in our yard. The apple trees are bearing a huge crop of apples this year and squirrels are coming in from miles around to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. The grape vines have a good crop and soon the raccoons will be raiding the apples and the grapes. The squirrels have not discovered the blueberry and blackberry bushes yet, but they will soon. The giant sunflowers are setting on soon, the squirrels love them as well, if they can keep the birds away long enough to get to the seeds. It is a full time job just keeping raiders out of the crops, Bella is our head squirrel chaser but even she needs help when there are squirrels on three sides of the yard at once, so Rusty needs to be in good shape to help protect the crops.
Next week we will have another trip across town to get some of the work done. We hope that Clyde will come out of his operation with a leg that can keep up with the rest of us. Wish him well, he is a little bummed out about it all. He says that if we will just give him a bigger dose of Rimadyl he will be fine.
All of our rescues have some health needs. That is why your donation to the rescue is so important. The vet bills and medications for GRRR run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, that is almost all there is in the annual budget, just a huge category called "medical". In the meantime, make a donation to your local rescue. Keep an eye on the blogg, we will keep you informed as to how Clyde and Rusty do.
Mogley G. Retriever
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Lose ends.
The problem with blogging is that frequently there are so many lose ends. Stories that we start but then we move on before we finish them. Dogs that come by once, are adopted and move on, when we meet them later we don't bring you up to date.
The Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies (GRRR) vet has been on vacation. He sees so many Goldens in a year that he can almost diagnose them by driving by while they sit on the front porch. Clyde came to us with a bad limp and he had a hard time getting up once he was down. We have been waiting for the vet to come back to take a good look at his left rear leg, his leg has a small zip-zag around the knee and that leg is kept straight. So the vet is due back this week and we will get a picture taken of the leg and find out what is wrong. Meanwhile we got a short term script for Rimadyl to help him move around. It has sure losened him up, he is starting to run and play with us. He still can't bend his knee, but he can sure get around on a stiff leg.
Meanwhile Rusty was having a problem getting up, it was getting so bad that she would not lie down if she was up, she did not want to get up if she was down. We got permission to try one of Clyde's Rimadyl on Rusty, it has made a big difference in how she gets around as well. She chased squirrels again this morning. So she gets another trip to the vet's office when we take Clyde.
GRRR has had several very sad rescues recently. One long time volunteer passed away and now GRRR has to find special homes for his two life companions, ages 12 and 8. Another surrender came when an elderly woman passed away and her family took her 13 year old Golden into a vet to be put to sleep. The vet staff convinced the family that GRRR offered a better solution. She is already in her new home with new love to last her in her remaining years. These Goldens are special cases because the Golden's are losing their homes because of no one's fault. These are the rescues that hurt the most and feel the best when they are completed. .
Some time ago we mentioned five lab puppies that were orphans. At three weeks of age, they were sworn in as honorary Golden Retrievers and are currently in the GRRR system. GRRR is blessed to have hundreds of volunteers to help, our "Puppy Team" found surrogate mothers for these orphans. GRRR has adopted out 3 of them and expect the other two to be spoken for shortly. Who can resist a puppy?
While we have several transportation teams that will drive 1,000 miles or more to transpore needy dogs, we also need to mention "Pilots for Paws:. "Pilots for Paws" is a volunteer group that transports rescue dogs, they brought us several Golden's from Idaho, South Dakota and Wyoming. Boy what lucky dogs to get transported by private airplane. One boy in particular who was flown in was named Willie, but at the shelter in Idaho they called him OTD, "Older Than Dirt".
We are overrun with older Golden's. We are desperately seeking foster homes that are willing to take older Gold. Most of the older surrenders have health problems which is often why they are surrendered. Since it is so hard to find homes for older dogs, most foster homes understand that they may end up keeping them much longer than a younger dog.
These older Golden's are the true treasures. They ask for nothing more than a chance to get a head pat and some human company in their final years. They know the rules of a home, they don't run away or chew up furniture. They just give love and comfort in a way that few can understand if you have never had an older Golden as a friend.
Help us by being a foster home, give these wonderful older dogs a chance to live in dignity and enjoy the comfort and love of a final forever home. Call a rescue near you and volunteer to help an older dog enjoy the Golden years. Log onto your rescue's web site and donate to help with the many health problems we are seeing.
Somewhere, a dog needs you.
Mogley G. Retriever
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Looking for a Forever Home!
Below, I help Clyde (center) and Rusty Muffin (right rear) keep the squirrel up the apple tree.Rusty Muffin and Clyde are still in the search for their new Forever Homes. As the head dog in the household, I always am concerned when too much time passes without finding homes for the foster dogs that stay with us. "Foster Failure" is what happens when the humans refuse to give up a foster dog for adoption. I have seen it happen too often so I try to help the process along. Clyde had some people interested in him, but it turns out they wanted a jogging companion. Clyde would love to jog, but he has a sore right rear knee and he does not do long distances.
We have seen a pattern emerging in the older rescue dogs we get as fosters. The human thinks it is caused by poor quality food, when a family gets desperate they buy cheaper food which in turn causes their older pet to lose mobility, which in turn leads them to abandon them. The older dogs all are movement impaired when they arrive. After several weeks of a better quality food, exercise, diet and supplements, they become much more active. When we picked up Clyde he had to be carried into the car. Now he runs and jumps very well. Glucosamine and a small Rimadyl tablet has given him back his mobility. Rusty Muffin had a hard time getting up once she was lying down, after getting the supplements she is now running with Bella and I, chasing squirrels and having fun.
Clyde would like a home where he can be the head "Fetch Dog". Clyde can fetch anything, sticks, balls, Frisbees, you name it, if you can throw it, Clyde can fetch it. Clyde can even fetch two tennis balls at once. He is not up to long jogging or running, but a walk in the park is fine with him. He will need a lot of toys, he is hard on them. He plays rough. He loves tummy scratches and ear rubs. Clyde does not bark much, he will not make your neighbors angry by barking at everything, but he will warn of an intruder or arriving guests in case your door bell is too quiet.
Below: Rusty Muffin is chasing a squirrel that came too close to the ground.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Toy Fairy
The dog toy fairy came to our house today. We hit the jackpot. They went shopping to someplace called "Ross Stores" which usually sells people clothing, but they had a shipment of very cheap and good dog toys. Everyone got a new toy, and there was even toys left over. Clyde has destroyed many of our toys, so we needed a new supply. The problem is that Clyde was there when they were handed out, so I have asked them to schedule another re-supply run for tomorrow. Below, Clyde has a brand new hoard of toys to chew.
Below, I have to play with a stupid fake tire with a blinking electric light in it. Bella has a toy but she will get tired of it soon and steal everyone elses' toys.
Below, Clyde is gloating over the toy he stole from me.
Several days ago the tennis ball fairy stopped by and left us a big bag of tennis balls. The tennis ball fairy had heard that Clyde was staying with us. Clyde is delightful, but he is hard on toys and balls. Rusty Muffin is very camera shy, plus she does not like toys very much. She likes squirrels, she took a look at her new toy and went outside to hunt squirrels.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Fun Weekend
Below, a dry Rusty Muffin is followed by a very wet Molly. Rusty did not want to get wet, she says it takes too long for her to get her hair looking good after a swim. She wants to look her best if a possible new Forever Home comes to see her.
Good News!
I just opened my morning fan mail and found a note from Evie:
Hi Mogley,
Your friend Evie here with an update on Duke and Daisy for you. This really nice man came a few days ago to meet Duke and Daisy. He really liked both of them. Daisy snuggled right up to him and gave him her best love muffin snuggle. Duke was on his best behavior and he too made a good impression. The man said he would come back on Monday morning and he did. He brought his wife with him too. Duke sized up the situation right away and turned on his best love muffin routine and so did Daisy. They loved all over the man's wife. Duke even got it across that he likes tennis balls and found out that she plays tennis so there will be balls a plenty for him. Both Daisy and Duke looked really happy as they drove away. No one had to ask them twice to get up in the car. Daisy hopped up, will a little assistance, and immediately laid down on the soft cushion they had. Duke left with his favorite tennis ball and both were happy as clams. What Duke and Daisy don't know is that it is only going to get better. 2 of the grand daughters are visiting for several weeks and they will have kids to play with!! Daisy will be soooo happy!! She lights up around kids. Another happy ending thanks to GRRR and all the volunteers that help.
Your friend,
This is what makes rescue so rewarding. It is hard for me to share my house and my humans, but helping other lost Goldens find their way is a huge reward.
Mogley G. Retriever
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Help Wanted!
Dear Mogley,
Your friend Evie here. Mom is upstairs sewing and left the computer room door open so I get a chance to write to you. We need your help. We have 2 foster friends here with us. Daisy and Duke. You can see pictures of them at Their family lost their home and had to move to an apartment. They felt it was best to let GRRR find them a new home with room to run and fetch the tennis ball. Daisy and Duke really want to stay together. That is where we need your help. A pair is always a little harder to place than a single dog so a bit of extra publicity might help. Below, Duke on the left, Daisy on the right.

Your Friend,
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Rusty Muffin
Who would name their Golden Retriever "Rusty Muffin"?
Did they have a bad sense of humor? Could they not agree, one wanted to name her Rusty, the other wanted to name her Muffin? Or did they want her to run away from home?Rusty was surrendered to Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies (GRRR). We were told that Rusty ran away because of the loud fireworks over the 4th of July. They were losing their home and they were tired of bringing her back when she ran away. They gave their 10 year old Golden to strangers and walked away.
We picked up Rusty last night, she was tired, it had been a long day. She had been transported to the Rescue, then given a bath. When we picked her up, she was beautiful. On the way home she napped in the back of the SUV. She arrived late and barely had time to be introduced to the family and house before it was bed time. There was a lot of fireworks, one of the neighbors was celebrating the 4th a few days late. Rusty did not even notice the explosions across the back fence.
This morning when we woke up, we all went downstairs and out to the back yard for our morning potty time. The human watched Rusty get acquainted with the yard and the grounds for a while, then he went in for a cup of coffee. He came running out when he heard the loud splash. Rusty had jumped into the pool. We found out that she can swim, and we found out that her wonderful, soft, heavy blond coat takes a lot to dry out. Three towels and four hours of Colorado sunshine to be exact. She is still damp in the photos.
Clyde the Charmer
Clyde has a fan club. Everyone he meets joins the club. He is such a nice, mellow Golden that he charms everyone. He thinks that he will get his choice of Forever Homes, soon people will be calling and wanting to take him home. He just wants to make sure they understand that he needs a lot of tennis balls and toys. We promised him he can take five tennis balls with him, he says that is enough to last him a few days.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th of July Tradition
We celebrated the 4th of July in a traditional manner. We had a Golden Retriever Swimming Party. Our three cousins came by and we all jumped into the pool. Thomas Jefferson would be pleased if he knew that we were carrying on the tradition. Apple pie, motherhood and wet retrievers. That is what makes the 4th so special.
We knew that our new resident foster friend, Clyde, was fascinated by the swimming pool. He would lay on the edge of the pool and stare into it, then he would drop his ball into the pool. We expected him to fall in, but he was just playing a game. Below, Clyde in the front, learns to swim. Today when my three cousins arrived to help us celebrate the 4th, we were swimming, chasing tennis balls and having a splashing good time. Suddenly Clyde was in the middle of us. He obviously had not swum before, when a dog first learns to swim they raise their front paws out of the water and splash a lot. After a few minutes they use their front feet to pull. In minutes Clyde was keeping up with us, swimming without a splash. The human was worried about Clyde, he grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up on the patio. Clyde shook once, then jumped back in the pool. The human let him swim this time. The human thought it was cute, but it takes three towels to dry Clyde, he has a very heavy coat.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Clyde the Toy King
We think that Clyde may like toys, what do you think?