Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sad announcement

We are sad to report that Aspen passed away yesterday.   She went peacefully with her family holding her.  Aspen was our foster, then adopted by a very nice family.  Her family took a trip to Guatemalan to help as volunteers, instead of leaving Aspen in a kennel they brought Aspen back to stay with us.    She was a sweet lady and we know she was loved and pampered during her last year.   She truly had a "Golden Year" in a very loving home.  

You may go to our February 26th blog to read about Aspen when she was staying here.     Also see our October 13, 2009 blog where we reported that she had been adopted into a new home.   On October 8, 2009 our blog has some very good photos of Aspen as she hogs all the toys in the house.    She was a great lady and a good companion. 

When someone adopts an older Golden, they know that their time and joy with them may be short, but they adopt anyway.    They take in these older gentlemen and ladies, knowing that they will have heart ache, but also knowing they will have love as only an experienced senior can provide.    Our special thank you goes out to all the wonderful people with huge hearts that give our senior friends one last chance at the good life.   This is what rescue is all about, this is why we do what we do.   One last chance is all they ask for. 

Our sympathy goes out to her family.   More than sympathy, our thanks go out to her family for giving Aspen a wonderful home and making her life better.  You lost Aspen, but you gained some wonderful memories.    

Mogley G. Retriever


  1. Here's to Aspen

    AND all of those that made her GOLDEN golden years worth more than any gold -

    I'm sure she's been welkhomed by my khousins Lexi (Merdie's sister) and Sierra -

    Khyra and Khousin Merdie

  2. RIP sweet Aspen. Run free sweet doggie with my angels Keelee, Nikki, Kimba & Princess.

    Woofs & tears,
    Nadine Apples & Neeli

  3. Oh, how sad. I'm so glad she got to live her final years in the love of a family.

    Maybe they need another Golden?

  4. Golden Guys Retirement LodgeAugust 19, 2010 8:57 AM

    We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live wihin a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certian immortality, never fully understanding the necessay plan.
    We celebrate this gentle golden soul, and cherish the lessons and beauty she brought into our lives.

  5. Dear Mogley,
    We know Aspen will live on in the hearts of her family forever. We are sorry for your loss. and we know a lovely Golden like Aspen must have already made friends whereever she is...
    wags, Buddy n Ginger

  6. Don't forget your contribution as foster friends. I'm sure Aspen enjoyed her golden days as a foster and visitor. My heart goes out to Aspen's family.

  7. It's wonderful she had a happy year with her new family. They sound like great folks as they left her with you when they were gone.

  8. Our deepest condolence to Aspen's family and all that knew her.

    Earnhardt, Lady(senior), Sandy Paws, Oliver and mommie.

  9. Mogley,
    We are so sorry to hear this, but it is of comfort to know that Aspen had a loving home and did not have to make the Bridge journey alone.
    Special folks rescue seniors and we thank God for each and everyone of them.
    The below says so much about those that Rescue a Senior.

    Hamish & Sophie

    Adopting a Senior

    One by One, they pass by my cage,
    Too old, too worn, too broken, no way.
    Way past his time, he can't run and play.
    Then they shake their heads slowly and go on their way.
    A little old man, arthritic and sore,
    It seems I am not wanted anymore.
    I once had a home, I once had a bed,
    A place that was warm, and where I was fed.
    Now my muzzle is grey, and my eyes slowly fail.
    Who wants a dog so old and so frail?
    My family decided I didn't belong,
    I got in their way, my attitude was wrong.
    Whatever excuse they made in their head,
    Can't justify how they left me for dead.
    Now I sit in this cage, where day after day,
    The younger dogs get adopted away.
    When I had almost come to the end of my rope,
    You saw my face, and I finally had hope.
    You saw through the grey, and the legs bent with age,
    And felt I still had life beyond this cage.
    You took me home, gave me food and a bed,
    And shared your own pillow with my poor tired head.
    We snuggle and play, and you talk to me low,
    You love me so dearly, you want me to know.
    I may have lived most of my life with another,
    But you outshine them with a love so much stronger.
    And I promise to return all the love I can give,
    To you, my dear person, as long as I live.
    I may be with you for a week, or for years,
    We will share many smiles, you will no doubt shed tears.
    And when the time comes that God deems I must leave,
    I know you will cry and your heart, it will grieve.
    And when I arrive at the Bridge, all brand new,
    My thoughts and my heart will still be with you.
    And I will brag to all who will hear,
    Of the person who made my last days so dear. (c) Leslie Whalen

  10. I totally agree about taking in the senior Goldens and while I know that our time with them is limited I have never looked back and regretted opening our home to them, and I'm sure that Aspen's family feels the same way. I'm sorry for their loss, but am thankful that her last days were spent with those who cared and loved her!

  11. Sorry to hear of the loss of Aspen, but so glad that her last days were spent being surrounded by love.

  12. This is a beautiful tribute Mogley. It is so true about people who adopt and love senior Goldens. To let those sweet friends live out their lives with the love they deserve is a precious gift. We are so sorry Aspen's forever home didn't get as much time with her as they would have liked :(

  13. We are so sorry to hear that her time with you and her family was so short--but at least it was wonderful! Our thoughts are with you and her family.

    love & wags,

  14. How heartbreaking - I remember looking at her pictures, she seemed like such a dear, sweet girl. We are sending hugs to you and her family.

