Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday confessions

I am taking back my blog for today to straighten out some misconceptions. Not all of our rescue stories are sad, we have some wonderfully happy ones and I will try and get the chauffeur to post some of them for you.

Bella and I got into a lot of trouble this last week. You can see the pretty sunflower blossoms in the photo above. The chauffeur asked Bella and I to watch them and to guard them carefully. They wanted the flowers to grow, and then they were going to save the seeds to plant again next spring. Below is what they found when they went out to collect the seeds.
The squirrels had chewed off the stems and carried the dried blossoms off to their hiding places. The very tall ones they had cut down at the bottom so they could get to the blossoms. Bella and I were yelled at because we did not watch the squirrels closely enough and keep them away. We were not able to guard them day and night, we were not even allowed close to the flowers. They did not even acknowledge that they put a wire fence around the garden to keep Bella and I out so we would not trample them when they were smaller, they blamed us anyway. Nala did not get any of the blame, she said that since she is deaf and mostly blind, she should not be responsible for guard duty. Now there are no blossoms, no seeds to plant in the spring. The good news is that we will have some very fat squirrels come spring, that should make them easier to catch.

While my blog was taken over by the chauffeur I had time to do some research. I got on Google and tried to find out if any humans were good at blogging. If you search "Dogs who blog" on the Internet, you will get 120,000,000 items. If you search "Humans who blog" you will get only 16,900,000 items. You can see from the numbers that dogs are much better bloggers than are humans. Humans are not even as good at blogging as cats. If you search “Cats who blog” you get 83,600,000. I don't think that proves that the cats are very good at blogging, it just proves that humans are barely ¼ as good as cats are at blogging. Dogs are the best bloggers, the numbers prove it clearly.

At best I can only apologize for letting the amateurs take over the blog, I will be careful to edit their posts in the future.

Mogley G. Retriever


  1. Wow, that is a lot of bloggies! The tall guy says he thinks most of them are on his blog roll! :)

  2. Mogley, so nice to hear from you again. The sunflowers look so beautiful, sorry the squirrels got them -- and then you and Bella got hollered at. Tisk, tisk! Nala got out of that real clean, didn't she. Our sister Lady never get's blamed for anything either, she must be perfect.

    We know that not all rescues you and your humans did are sad. We still remember Abby, she was a trip.

    Earnhardt, Lady(senior), Sandy Paws and Oliver.

  3. Sorry about your flowers Mogley. Those darn squirrels have a lot of nerve! Next thing you know, they are going to start blogging too! Power to the puppies!

  4. Thanks, Mogley, for looking up those numbers. I was pleased to see that we pups are miles ahead of humans and cats!

    Sorry about your Sunnies, but what the hey!, seeds are available for sale all over the place.
    Maybe your people can find a squirrel resistant one and can leave you out of this!


  5. Hey Mogley,
    Even your sad rescues stories are comforting to know that you were able to love a Golden that had no love. Yours is a very hard service that you are doing and we are so proud of the things you do.
    As for the sunflower seeds, well not everything goes as planned.
    As you said you will have some slower squirrels in the spring.
    You figures on blogging are not surprising, we all know that the Dog is superior..
    Just keep doing what you are doing, you are making many people very happy.

    Hamish & Rescue Sophie

  6. We just learned about your blog and are in love with it. While we are unable to foster due to having three rescued dogs in an apartment, we do whatever we can to help dogs (find a shelter dog for friends who were planning to buy, transport dogs, partner with rescues to post on our blog). We have added you to our reader and would love it if you would stop by.


  7. I made the mistake of planting sun flowers in front of the porch, right at mouth level--I only did that once!

    You're so right about rescues having happy endings--I have a house full of those happy endings!

  8. We are with Jack and The Tall Guy -

    Lots of blogs -
    Most of them in our Google Reader!

    PeeEssWoo: How DARE those skhwirrels do that on YOUR watch!

  9. So Dogs with Blogs Rule!

    Yes, Mogley, you'd better watch that computer closely to make sure that your chauffeur doesn't starting typing, again!

  10. Hi Mogley, Thanks for stoppin'. My Humans are just old softies. They plant stuff like sunflowers and millet for the birds to eat and put seeds from fruit they eat out for the ground squirrels and corn for the tree squirrels. I don't get to chase or bark. It sounds like so much fun when I read your blog! They just say "'cause other dog parents let their dogs do it doesn't mean you can".
    As for the numbers of doggies blogging, I've gotta say, we have lots more interestin' stuff to talk about!
    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  11. Oh! Those flowers caught my attention. It seems you have a great flower gardens. How I wish I could have a cool garden like yours. Keep it up!


  12. Oooh! We'll help come chase the squirrels in the spring - we love them when they are fat and slow! ;-) As for bloggies, mine certainly became WAY more interesting when I took over. Before, Mom just blabbered on about cross stitch and cars and things. Now I get to blog about bitey-face and car racing from the dog's perspective. It's MUCH MORE interesting... I'm just saying...

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
