Friday, May 9, 2008

Play date!

Thursday we went to play at Molly's house. If you are new to my blog, Molly was a foster Golden kept by Jenny, our human's daughter. When Jenny and Bryan added a new foster, Piper, Molly began picking on Piper. Soon Molly started picking on everyone, Molly wanted to be an only dog. Piper was not in good health, and it was wearing her down. At the same time, a friend of ours wanted a dog for their family. So Molly went to live at Hope's house. She has been officially adopted as a forever dog!

We gave her a time to settle in before we went over to play. We had a good time, running and playing with her. She has a nice house, we had a tour of it, upstairs and downstairs. She has a big back yard with lots of trees, a long fence with squirrels running up and down it all day long. Molly told us the squirrels are slower here than they are at our house, she thinks that she will catch one soon. She also has a neighborhood red fox that visits from time to time. There are three teenage children to play with her and sometimes she gets three walks a day.

The back door has a big handle on it, if you stand up and push on the handle with a paw you can open the door and let yourself inside. It is not as good as a dog door, but it is OK. We turned the outside water bowl over and made a mess. Inside she has food and water dishes with a full food bowl all day long. She says she just eats a little when she has time while the children are away to school, that way she gets snacks all day long. Bella and I tried to help her empty the food bowl but the humans put us outside. It was fun seeing Molly again and knowing that another abandoned Golden Retriever has found a great forever home.

My human had an e-mail about picking up another abandoned Golden to bring home, I expect that shortly we will have company at our house again. Bella and I can hardly wait, it is so much fun to have a new playmate. We will keep you posted.

Mogley G. Retriever

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