Above, Bella is sulking because Sassy stole her cushion.
Sassy is home, at her new forever home. Sassy has a Forever Family. We all went with her to help her move into her new home. She is going to enjoy her home. They bought her two new dog beds, they bought her new dog dishes and several toys, she is going to be spoiled badly. She is really looking forward to it. All this happened because someone volunteered to help.
Someone cared!
Before she left she went out to have one last try at catching a Koi in the pond.

Sassy has a new home because someone cared!
Sassy has a new forever home because of a lot of effort by a lot of people.
Sassy's old family called and they wanted to surrender Sassy and her step sister, Marlo. Someone answered the phone and set up a meeting. Someone met the family and transported the dogs to the rescue. Someone processed the
paperwork to track them and check them into the system. Someone took them to the vet to be given a physical and to be brought current on their shots. Someone gave them both a bath, they were terribly dirty and had matted coats, they had been badly neglected. Someone called foster family's to find a home for these two lady's so they would not have to stay in some lonely kennel. Someone picked them up and brought them across town to their foster homes. Someone took pictures, wrote a profile and posted their profile on the
Internet. Someone took in applications from
families seeking to adopt them.
Someone matched the applicants to the dog, looking for the best fit. Someone inspected the applicants home and determined that it would be an acceptable home. Someone arranged a meeting to see if there was a match. Someone processed the adoption papers. Someone welcomed a new friend into their life and offered a homeless dog a forever home.
Someone cared.
Being a foster parent is very rewarding. Somewhere near you a wonderful dog is spending the night in a chain link run with a concrete floor, counting down the days to when his stay at the pound is ended, forever. Help your local rescue to rescue needy dogs, transport them, provide them with foster homes and help them find a forever home. A rescue near you needs someone to answer telephones, someone to file papers, someone to pick up dogs at shelters and transport them to foster homes. You can make a difference in a dogs life. A dog that was once a loved member of a family is now facing his end behind chain link, lonely and forgotten. You can make a difference.
Be Someone. Volunteer at a rescue near you.
We have had about 30 fosters at our home since we started being foster parents for the rescue. GRRR is at about 400 dogs per year. Think of how many "someone's" have had to help with each of these dogs. Thanks to all of you for making this possible.
You are Someone!
Mogley G. Retriever