Saturday, December 6, 2008

Farewell Molly;

Photo: Molly looks for a way to jump in as Bella and I fight.

The resident humans left the house early this morning, taking only Molly with them. I should have known something was going on, he would not let me see several emails he had received from the Rescue group. I suspected they had found a match with a forever home for Molly.

When they reappeared several hours later, my fears were confirmed, they arrived back home but Molly was not in the car. They told Bella and I that Molly was now at a new home. The humans there had just lost a loved older Golden Retriever named Molly. The Molly they had lost was the twin of our Molly, it was love at first sight. Molly's new home offers a young Min-Pincer as a playmate, a home with a large yard, a dog door, lots of toys, many tennis balls, several soft dog beds, and two humans that love to hike and walk on the paths of a nearby open space park.

I am happy for Molly, she certainly deserves a wonderful rest of her life. I am also sad. When a foster leaves, Bella and I mope for a while. We look for her everywhere. We checked all of her favorite spots. We smelled her favorite toys and her special tennis ball. We follow her tracks across the yard. Being a foster brother is very hard, we meet wonderful Golden's, we help them through their hard times, then when they are ready, we lose our friends when they move on.

Farewell Molly, we hope to see you at the next Golden Retriever Reunion Picnic.

Mogley G. Retriever


  1. Dear Mogley and Bella,
    Tears came to my eyes as I read about Molly's new home. How wonderful for her and her new humans. It is always hard to say goodbye, especially when you have been such a huge part in letting her become the Golden she was meant to be. Tails up Molly!!! You and Bella should be very proud!!

  2. Hey Mogley,
    Is Molly's life better for her after she left your house than it was before she came to your house? Did you and Bella help train Molly for her own forever home? You may have a little sadness but also a lot of joy. You're just suffering from empty nest syndrome. Go shopping.
    - TBH
    P.S. Way to go guy, chalk another success.
